Will Your Motorhome Premiums Reduce?

In the current economic climate here in the UK wouldn’t it be great if you had some good news. Well, we think we may have some for you. On a quarterly basis, Confused.com produces a car insurance price index and … Continue reading

Review Your Motorhome Insurance Premium

Too many people don’t bother to review the cost of their motorhome insurance when their existing cover comes up for renewal. Some people may give their renewal documentation a cursory glance and then just file the paperwork. Well, if you … Continue reading

Insuring A Car Gets Even More Expensive

Every quarter, the price comparison website Confused.com publishes the Confused.com Car Insurance Price Index. Whilst it relates to car insurance it is quite likely that a similar thing is happening to the cost of motorhome cover. Unfortunately, the index covering … Continue reading

The Cost Of Insuring A Car Increases Yet Again

Keeping a car on the road as well as a motorhome is a costly business so no motorist likes to hear that things relating to their vehicles are on the increase. What with fuel prices at petrol forecourts being high … Continue reading

Car Insurance Premiums Continue To Increase

You probably keep a careful eye on your household expenditure especially in the current financial climate here in the UK with the cost of living being so high and most things costing more to buy. You will be disappointed to … Continue reading

Average Cost Of Insuring A Car On The Increase

Motorhome owners probably also own a car that he or she uses on a daily basis here in the UK. It will concern you to read that the average cost of insuring a car rose significantly last year according to … Continue reading

Car Insurance Premiums Continue Rising

As if you haven’t got enough to think about with increasing domestic bills such as your gas and electricity plus your mortgage and the cost of food going up there has been a further rise in the average cost of … Continue reading

Cost Of Car Insurance Still On Increase

Householders are currently faced with rising bills such as council tax, utilities, mortgage repayments and rent. In addition the cost of fuel at petrol stations is very high resulting in greater travelling costs with this also obviously impacting those of … Continue reading

Review Your Motorhome Insurance Premiums To See If You Can Save Any Money

If your motorhome insurance is shortly due to be renewed then now might be a good time to review how much your existing insurer is going to charge you for the next 12 months. Who knows, you may be able … Continue reading

Have You Reviewed Your Motorhome Insurance Premiums?

If your motorhome insurance policy is shortly due to be renewed automatically then you may wish to consider reviewing the premium that your existing insurer intends to charge you for the next 12 months’ cover. It is quite possible that … Continue reading