Motor Insurers Pay Out Record Amounts In 2023

In some respects, it is pleasing to read that providers of motor insurance paid out record sums to meet valid claims in 2023. On the downside, this is one of the reasons why, unless you were very fortunate, your motorhome … Continue reading

Payouts For Motor Insurance Claims At All Time High

Unfortunately, motor insurance companies are paying out more in claims than they have had to do in the past. Why is this unfortunate? Well, one of the things that impacts how much an insurance company charges you for your motorhome … Continue reading

Drop In Motor Insurance Fraud

You may find it surprising to read that in 2021 there were 49,000 fraudulent motor insurance claims identified with a total value of £577 million. These figures fell by 7% and 1% respectively in comparison to 2020. This information was … Continue reading