If you are purchasing a motorhome then you will require motorhome insurance. There are many factors that impact how much your premium is going to be such as the make and model of the leisure vehicle, where you live, where you keep the vehicle overnight and your age.

With regard to the later, as a general rule, it is the young motorist who tends to pay more to insure their motorhome as opposed to an older driver who tends to have more driving experience.

When applying for motorhome cover, it is important to be honest. For instance, if you are going to be the main driver then you should state on the application form that is the case. Apparently, there are some young drivers who lie and state that they are an additional driver and put down say one or more of their parents as the main driver as this may result in a lower premium being charged.

This is known as “fronting’ and is both illegal and fraudulent.

Apparently, Aviva carried out some research amongst more than 2,000 young car drivers aged 17 to 25 and it became apparent that 17% of those taking part in the research admitted to featuring on a motor insurance policy that had been fronted.

The repercussions, if found out, could be severe. For instance, if you are found out to have been fronting a car insurance policy you could face a fine running into several thousand pounds. You could have your car crushed. If you were to make a claim as a result of being involved in a road traffic accident or having your vehicle stolen the claim could be turned aside. It could also make it more difficult to obtain motor insurance in the future and also make it more expensive than normal.

Parents can play a part in stopping fronting as they surely do not want to be a party to placing their children in such a situation with the potential repercussions. There is surely no point in paying what tends to be a large premium for motor insurance for a fronted policy only to find out that, in the event of making a claim, the policy may not pay out.

If you do require motorhome insurance why not get in contact with us as we provide access to a reputable number of insurers. Hopefully, we will be able to help you obtain a competitive quotation. We look forward to hearing from you.