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When the pandemic comes to an end you may be considering taking your motorhome overseas perhaps to sunny Spain or the south of France to enjoy a much needed holiday with your family. If this is going to be your first trip abroad then you may feel a little concerned. Below we mention some of the things that you may wish to consider when planning your trip.
There are a number of things that you may wish to bring with you in your motorhome that when travelling overseas may be required. You should check what the regulations are for the country that you are going to visit.
For instance, you should carry a warning triangle in case you break down whilst on holiday. Make sure you have your driving license and passport and visa if one is necessary. Have your motorhome insurance policy with you in the event of being involved in a road traffic accident or if your motorhome is stolen and make sure that you are covered for taking your vehicle overseas. Make sure that if your number plates do not mention that you are from the UK that you have GB stickers to put in a prominent place on the front and back of the vehicle. Convert your headlights so that you do not dazzle oncoming motorists. Bring your logbook and carry high visibility clothing.
It would be sensible to have your motorhome serviced before setting off to reduce the likelihood of breaking down. Make sure that you have suitable breakdown cover to transport you home if you do break down.
Make sure that you have a European Health Insurance Card that enables you to obtain state healthcare in European Economic Area countries including Switzerland. This enables you to receive healthcare at a lower price or possibly for free.
Carry suitable adaptors for electricity and gas. You may find a sat nav of benefit.
You may wish to consider planning your route in detail including booking campsites to stay at each night.
We hope that you find the above of benefit when planning a trip overseas in your motorhome.